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International Research Centre to study the Effects of Autonomous Vehicles on Vulnerable Road-users

ICAROS is an international initiative developed to study the impacts of Connected and Autonomous Vehicles (CAVs) on Vulnerable Road User (VRU) safety.  VRUs encompasses pedestrians, cyclists, motorcyclists, child road-users and senior road-users; as well as the newly emerging e-riders, who travel on scooters, skateboards or hover boards. VRUs are a major challenge within the road transport system and form 59% of fatally injured road-users. ICAROS currently involves a collaboration between Research Centres on 3 continents including Loughborough University (UK), Queensland University of Technology through CARRS-Q (Australia) and Tongji University (China) although other partners are welcome to join the consortium as Associate Partners.

The Centre is funded by Research England and enables a strong strategic partnership with established links to industry and government stakeholders, going beyond the remit of experimental research by carrying out research on the public roads, thereby enabling implementation and impact.

A unique research programme on the safety of VRUs with respect to CAVs is being co-ordinated and disseminated with collaborative activities including PhD programmes, research seminars, publications and a future International Conference (planned in 2024).

The initiative is vital: it will save lives and prevent injuries through new knowledge, providing the evidence-base for manufacturers and regulators to understand exactly how CAVs and VRUs will interact.